Around the world, every child deserves the right for a healthy start into life.
Support maternal, newborn and child health, in particular increasing newborn survival.
Improve nutrition and quality of food for all children.
Provide immediate help for newborns in cases of unprecedented emergencies like earthquakes, floods, epidemics outbreaks and other natural catastrophes.
Support the fight against diseases such as Covid and HIV.
Every child should have a chance to get out of poverty, regardless where they are born, which religion they belong to, which gender they are, and under which circumstances they live. A path out of poverty is only possible if the children have access to education.
Support early childhood development and integration into society.
Ensure that children can go to school and get basic education on health and education.
Sponsor talented and gifted children to reach their full potential.
Equip the youth with job training and life skills to be prepared for adulthood.
Children and young girls have a right to be protected from harm.
Protect children against all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Protect specifically girl child. Ensure that every girl is healthy, safe, educated and empowered, valued and given the same opportunities as boys.
Fight specifically against child marriage, violence, discrimination and other abuses.
Enable special sponsorships for children.